Here are some interesting topics related to iShala 5. We'll keep adding valuable content to this section so it covers all of the functionality you may have missed otherwise from the various panes and dialogs. Stay tuned!
iShala comes in 2 different flavours. The default one that you get upon purchase is called Standard Edition. It is totally self-contained and loaded with functionality to allow for the most demanding of Riyaaz sessions.
But there are some further features that can be unlocked in a Pro Edition that can be acquired as an In App Purchase. We are listing here the features included in one and the other edition, so it's clearer before making your choice.
iShala now includes a Pro Edition that helps you improve your pitch accuracy!
A session consists/saves overall settings like Taal, Raga, BPM etc. for instant loading with the single click! Each session can be customized with specific settings that are saved on exit.
iShala 5 contains a wide range of Common as well as Rare Ragas! But of course, a New Raga can be added instantly with few simple steps!
Here is the solution to allow iShala Background (sleep mode) Playback permission on Android Platform.
Here are the steps to install/reinstall iShala on same/new/second device.
Here are the steps to reinstall iShala from the scratch (with cache clearance).
You can now play all included instruments (Tabla, Harmonium, Tanpuras, Swarmandal, Vibraphone* and Manjeeras) live in the new MANUAL pane.
Not only can you play the different instruments manually, but you can also record your playing into custom items that can then be selected like all other iShala content.
We have added a Vibraphone instrument in the TRILLS tab, along with the current Swarmandal. This will give you further choice to enhance your performance with some beautiful, crystalline tones played with the notes of the selected raga.
We took the opportunity of version 5 to refresh the UI a little, while keeping everything more or less in place. We have also renamed our Premium option as Pro, with the normal flavour now appearing as Standard.
iShala contains over hundred ragas, each with various Lehras. In so much content, it's difficult to find the one you prefer for your Riyaaz. Now we have added an option to mark your favorite ones, so they all appear in a specific list, from where they can be selected directly.
We have added the option to use Natural or Tempered (default) scale in the Settings screen. Any additional per raga pitch adjustment of certain Swaras is then added to that tuning.
We have included a new Harmonium that can now keep the notes playing forever. We have also added chords for that. These can be selected or even played directly from the menu.
We have added a "Pumping" slider that simulates the pumping of air inside the Harmonium. This can be useful when playing long chords and want to make them more realistic.